Chapeltown Arts 2022
Hello, it has been some time since we did anything to this website. Not the best marketing strategy. Our lack of website presence doesnt mean we have been dormant.
Like everyone of you, lockdown affected our plans and added to the challenges we had around resources. This year has seen a resurgence of our aims, mission and philosphy.
Projects we have been invloved with in 2021 and 2022 include:
A play - Promise of a Garden in partnership with Leeds 2023, Leeds Older Peoples Forum, Performance Ensemble and Leeds Playhouse where we ran community workshops making fabric, paper and ceramic flowers for the play.
My World, My City, My Neighbourhood - Leeds 2023. A project involving the community in starting to transform an area of land we are calling the ginnel. See The Ginnel Project for further information.
Chapeltown Word Junction at Leeds Art Gallery - Chapeltown Word Junction 2022 is a one-day take-over of Leeds Art Gallery happening on 24th...